May 28, 2010

2 Months

I can't believe my little man is two months old already! He is changing so much right before our eyes. From sleeping more during the night (thank you Jesus) to being more active and interactive with us during the day. Last time he was weighed at the doctor, he was 9 lb. 10 oz. Everyday I find myself more and more amazed at what God designed. Life is great.


May 24, 2010

Gimmie More Gums!

Caleb has achieved a major milestone here lately. He's smiling at us. I never knew a gummy smile could make my heart beat so fast. As much as we've tried, it's really hard to capture his sweet smiles on camera. Here are a few shots that we tried to get. Enjoy :)

May 20, 2010


There's an opportunity for Jason and I never to have to purchase another diaper for Caleb. We need all of your help in order to do it though. A friend of mine turned me on to Ebates. Ebates is a site that gives users cash back on their online purchases, plus it gives me cash back since I referred you to the site. The only thing you have to do is click on my customized Ebates link below and make a minimum $20 purchase. Upon signing up (it's free by the way), you automatically get a free gift. You earn cash back on your purchases and we get $5 for every referral that makes a purchase through our link.

There are thousands of stores to choose from and just so happens to be the one I used. Even if you don't want to purchase something online, please forward this link on to someone you think might so we can earn some easy cash. It would mean a lot to us. Please hurry though. The deadline to sign up is July 31st and you have to purchase something through our link by August 10th, 2010. Anything you plan on buying in the store is probably available online, so you would get your product and help us out at the same time, plus earn cash back yourself. It's that easy! Love you all.

I need some help people! Just by signing up for Pampers Village Gifts to Grow, I get 10 bonus points added to my account. You don't have to purchase anything, just sign up if you don't have an account! You'll be helping us out a bunch!

Pampers Village is an online community of real parents like you. Membership enrolls you into our Gifts to Grow program--the Pampers you buy earn you points towards great rewards. Plus, you can earn points when your friends (new to Pampers) sign up.

May 15, 2010

Worm and Da

Today is Jeremy and Amanda's 11 year anniversary. I know they'll probably hate me for it, but this is one of my favorite pictures of them and their son, Will. Sometimes when the family all gets together, we can get pretty crazy. We always have a great time.

Jeremy and Amanda were high school sweethearts that went on to tie the knot and start a wonderful family. I don't want to get too mushy here, but they have been truly wonderful people to get to know and to have close by. When Jason and I got married and I moved here to Knoxville, it wasn't long until it worked out that they also moved here. I know God had this planned because there have been so many times we have depended on them and they on us. Jason and I wouldn't be where we are in marriage without them. Thank you Worm and Da, for everything and may you have a very happy anniversary! We love you.


May 14, 2010

Four Generations

On Mother's Day, we took Caleb to visit Mammaw Norris for the first time. Mammaw is turning 97 years old next month and this is her tenth great-grandchild. It would have taken anyone else several minutes to calculate how many grandchildren or great-grandchildren Mammaw had, but she can tell you the second you ask. There's one thing you need to know about Mammaw. She might be old, but she's still as sharp as a tack. She remembers every birthday, anniversary, date, and name. I can only hope to be like her when and if I'm ever her age. She truly is a wonderful and godly woman. It seems like every time I visit with Mammaw, she makes me cry. She always says the sweetest things! She always calls me her granddaughter, even though I married into the family. I love her so very much and I'm honored to be a part of her family.


May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Ok, so I know it's a day late for this post but it's because I'm now a mother myself and had no time whatsoever yesterday to post! I do want to take a moment and honor all of our mothers out there today, starting with my very own.

Mom, thank you. Thank you for putting the needs of me and Jennifer before yours, for loving us no matter what, for coming to ALL of my sporting events growing up, for being proud of me for the smallest of achievements, for listening, for all the long talks over coffee in the mornings, for all of your hard work in your marriage to show me that divorce isn't the answer, for showing me how to be a great mom, and for coming to the hospital to witness as I became a mom myself. The list can go on and on and on. To sum it all up though, thank you for every single moment. I love you.

I hope I can raise my son as well my mom raised me. It's truly amazing becoming a mother and I'm convinced that motherhood is the hardest job anyone can have. Everyday I find myself loving Caleb more than the day before. It's unbelievable how fast he's growing up! I love to hear him coo and "talk" to me. It absolutely makes my day. My favorite sound he makes now is sort of a cross between a soft cry and a yawn. So sweet :) He was able to produce his first real "run down the cheek" tear. It broke my heart! I'm looking forward to his first laugh though.

There are some other mothers in my life that need to be honored today as well. I want to say thank you to my mother-in-law. Patsy, you truly are an amazing woman who raised a wonderful man (well, three actually). You do so much for me and my family and I'm so happy to have married into such a wonderful family. To my two sister-in-laws, you are also amazing. One is a seasoned pro mother and one is about to enter motherhood in July. Amanda and Katie, you are both wonderful mothers and two of my closest friends. To my grandmothers and Jason's grandmothers, those that are still with us and to those that have passed, we love you. To my friends Kelly, Debra, and Nicole here in Knoxville. You are people I admire so much. And last but not least, two of my closest friends, Morgan and Jessica. You also are wonderful mothers and I miss you both very much.

On a different note, I want to mention that yesterday was also my PaPa's birthday. Happy Birthday Papa! Love you!


May 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana!

Today is my mom's birthday. Me and mom have a lot in common, our birthdays are right next to a holiday. Mom's is always around (if not on) Mother's Day and mine is four days after Christmas. So, sometimes I think it seems that our birthdays get forgotten about by most. Not today! I'm going to take full advantage of having a blog and make today all about my mom's birthday.

On May 8th, 1959 (sorry for telling your age Mom), my best friend was born. A best friend is someone who puts your needs above theirs, loves you unconditionally, cherishes each moment with you, rejoices when you rejoice, and has a heart that breaks when yours is broken. I couldn't have asked God for a better friend, a better mother (that's tomorrow's discussion).

Even though it's my mom's birthday, she's actually driving all the way to Knoxville to see me (well, let's be honest....Caleb) today instead of the other way around. It's really difficult for me to even imagine packing up all the crap I need to travel right now, so I really appreciate her and Dad driving to me. My sis is also here. Aunt Jenny drove in last night and is currently holding a sleeping Caleb.

Mom, I truly hope you have a wonderful birthday. You have a surprise waiting on you when you arrive tonight :) I love you Nana.


May 7, 2010

6 Weeks

I can't believe my little man is already six weeks old today. It's a little bittersweet. Of course I'm tired because it seems I never get to sleep more than an hour and half at a time (if that). I don't get any sleep because Caleb is still so tiny and dependent on us. Do I really want that to end??? Well, part of me says YES! I want to sleep! But the other part of me, the larger part of me, realizes that my son will never be this little again. Each day is flying by and before I know it, 6 weeks will be 6 years. I honestly cherish each and every single day because I know I'll never have it back. I know it's cheesy, but I can't help but hear the lyrics to Aerosmith's "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" when I look at him.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Lying close to you
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

So, yes, laugh all you want. Again, I know it's cheesy. It's true though. At night when I'm awake holding him, I love hearing him breathe. I actually love the sweet smell of his breath. He makes me smile when he smiles in his sleep. In those moments, sleep doesn't matter to me. I realize that I'm holding a miracle and that God allows us to experience a little piece of heaven when you become a parent.

The last six weeks have been some of the hardest ones in my life, but far worth every second. You know it's funny, when I first got married to Jason, I did the same thing. I never told Jason (sorry you're hearing about it for the first time on here sweetheart), but I used to stay awake at night and just look at my husband while he slept. I was amazed that I was finally married and I just couldn't sleep because I was so excited. The apartment we lived in when we first got married was perfect too because our bedroom had a long set of windows that went across the whole side of the room and the moon would always shine through making our room glow. I still have a mental picture of Jason laying in that soft light and I remember thinking, "God, thank you for this man." Well, the moon doesn't quite shine in our bedroom like that anymore, but I find myself saying that all over again to a man that's 6 weeks old (and also still to Jason). I never thought I could love two boys so much.


The pictures today were taken by Sarah C. Photography

May 5, 2010

Ever since Jason and I got married, I've wanted to start a blog. Well, it's about time, huh? This coming October, we've been married five years. It truly is crazy how time flies. I know I'll never be able to go back over the past five years and recount all of our many adventures for you, but it's never to late to start telling of our new ones. The birth of our son, Caleb, really inspired me to start this blog for real this time.

As I type this, my son is sound asleep on the couch next to me. I'm taking advantage of this rare opportunity of free time. So while I could be napping as well, I'm starting this blog. I'm that determined! Our lives aren't that interesting to most, but it's the small things in life that make it grand and that's what we'll be blogging about. I'm looking forward to sharing Caleb's first steps, words, and smiles with you. This is now what my world is all about.

Until next time (for my first real blog post), I'll leave you with some pictures because I know that's what most of you came here to see anyway. :)