June 25, 2010

Father's Day

I know it's way overdue, but Happy Father's Day! It's really hard for me to blog with a three month old, but I'm determined to stick with it! This year is a big year for my dad and for Jason. This is my dad's first year of being a grandpa! And it's Jason's first year of being a daddy. Let me start first with my dad.

My dad has always worked his butt off for his family. It might have gone unnoticed when I was a little girl, but looking back now I realize just how much he sacrificed for his girls and still does. I think my dad has one of the hardest jobs out there, yet he gets up and goes in every day to provide. Don't get me wrong, I consider my mom one of my best friends, but I also consider myself a daddy's girl. Daddy makes me laugh until I cry sometimes and yet he has a tender heart too. I remember telling him jokes during my dance with him at my wedding just to keep him from crying. In kinda worked. I'm truly blessed to have such a close-knit family. We really do stick together through it all. I'm so proud of you Daddy and I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything.

Now, for my husband. Sweetie, my heart beats faster every time I see you hold our son. I never thought my love for you could be any more, but I was wrong. I love you in a whole new way, like never before. Seeing you with Caleb makes my day every day. You love God, provide for your family, love your wife, and cuddle with your son. I love seeing Caleb smile and coo at you. Seeing my two boys together is one of the greatest joys in my life. Jason, I love you so much. You are a wonderful daddy and husband. I wouldn't change a thing.

I also want to wish my father-in-law a Happy Father's Day. Lynn, you are a wonderful role model for your son and grandson. You do so much for my family and I'm so thankful for you and Patsy. You raised three wonderful, handsome, hardworking boys! I'm so blessed to have one as my husband. We love you!

Happy Father's Day also to Jason's brothers, Jeremy and Jared. Both of you are awesome fathers and great brothers. I'm so happy to have you both in my life.

Last, but not least, Happy Fathers Day to our grandfathers. We love you all and remember those no longer with us.


1 comment:

  1. I have this great picture of Scott holding Killian on the couch that makes me want to cry everytime I see it.They often fell asleep on the couch together & I would just sit & watch them. Those are very precious moments that I will never forget & try hard to hold on to as I watch the drama unfold of a 13 yr old & a very stubborn man.
