June 26, 2010

3 Months

I can't believe my boy is three months old today! Well, at times, it does feel like it's been 3 months. For the most part however, it's flown by. Today we had Caleb's three month pictures taken with Sarah McAffry (http://www.sarahcblog.com/). We had a great time and I can't wait to see the photos she was able to capture! Until then though, here are a few pictures Mommy and Daddy were able to get. Today he tried out his bouncy seat for the first time (he's still a bit too small for it but we propped a towel behind him to help). He had a good time in it and we enjoyed watching him dance. He's getting bigger by the day, in case you can't tell. This past Thursday, I took him to the doctor just to get weighed and he came in at a whopping 11 lbs. 9 oz., which is right on track with where he should be. He's gaining about an ounce a day. Well, until next time! Enjoy the pictures because we all know that's why you stopped by!

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever wonder if they actually think they might be able to get away in those things? lol Such cute pics! Happy 3 month bday Caleb!
