Today I talked to my sister and we still laugh about jokes that are decades old. We might not live down the street from each other, but when we laugh on the phone like that I know things will never change. I talked to my mom and could hear the pain in her voice because she misses her grandson. I emailed my best friend letting her know the days I would be able to visit her since we last saw each other years ago. You know, before I appreciated the small things I wouldn't have thought twice about any one of these conversations, but they mean so much more to me now.
I think it's funny how we just wish our life away, and then when we get there, we would give anything to go back in time. Stop wanting more and just enjoy what you have. I went to Honduras last summer and went to a village there that was poor beyond what anyone reading this blog would understand or recognize. And you know what? They were happy. They were content and happy, praising God for what they had. Then I come home and realize how spoiled, ungrateful, and greedy we are (myself included!). Since that trip, and since Caleb has been born too, I find myself just trying to be thankful for what I do have. I wish I could say I pray every day. I don't. I miss days sometimes when busy days and sleep get the best of me. But when I do pray, I thank God for the little things because I feel it's important to the God who created the heavens and the Earth to be thanked for creating me too, and everything and everyone in my life. You know, I once heard the saying, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." I agree. Stop and be thankful because before you know it, that newborn boy is five months old. I'm going to blink again and he'll be 25.
I love you more than you know Rachel. :)