Hello to all of my faithful readers. I haven't forgotten about you. Since I've last blogged, a lot has happened in the Norris household! First off, let me tell some good news that's happened outside of our own home. Jason's younger brother Jared, and his wife Katie, gave birth to their beautiful son Carter Lynn. Jason and I haven't been able to travel to see them yet, but we can not wait until we do! He is so cute and the new Mommy and Daddy are doing well. We hope to have pictures to post soon. We also received the wonderful news that Jason's older brother Jeremy, and his wife Amanda, will hopefully be going to China to bring home their son Ezra Jackson by the end of the year. Jason and I are so excited about becoming Uncle and Aunt a few times over again this year. We sure do know how to grow this Norris family quick! Lynn and Patsy just can't seem to get a girl....
So on to what's been going down in our own home! So much!!! First off, my little boy is four months old today. Amazing. He has learned to do so much. He's laughing, and cooing a lot, he rolled over for the first time the day before yesterday, he's teething and trying out new toys, and tonight we have put him in his own bed in his own room for the first time. I'm a nervous wreck! I've already had to put him back to sleep twice, but we're hoping for the best. We'll see....
We've had a few visitors this month and Caleb got to celebrate his first Fourth of July. I've attached a few pictures of the latest events for everyone to see.
He's teething and chewing on EVERYTHING!
He's trying out his exersaucer for the first time!
Uncle James!
Aunt Jenny!
Mrs. Kathy
Miss Hillary
I just want to go on record as saying that these are the best days of my life! The most tiresome ones, true, but oh so worth it! As Caleb is starting to really interact with us and respond to Mommy and Daddy's voices, I fall more and more in love with him. I find myself imagining what my life would be like without him and it almost brings me to tears just to think about it. My little boy means the world to me. I am loving being a mom and I truly feel God created me for this role.He's trying out his exersaucer for the first time!
Uncle James!
Aunt Jenny!
Mrs. Kathy
Miss Hillary
Speaking of God, every night when I'm holding Caleb right before I put him to bed, I thank God for him. I ask God to watch over my son, to protect him from harm, from evil, from sin, from death, and from my inability to be a perfect parent. I pray that Caleb will fulfill his biblical name and become a man of God, walking in His ways, and committing His Word to heart. I pray that Caleb will go forward, despite my wrongdoings, and do great things in His name. I pray that my short time here on this Earth would not be wasted and every day that I'm raising this little boy I know that it's not. I don't want to preach to anyone, but when's the last time you prayed? Seriously prayed and thanked God for every single blessing in your life? Why not now? Go ahead. No one's looking, but He's listening and waiting patiently.
Thanks for sharing Rachel! Its such an amazing joy watching you go from very incredible wife to an even more incredible mom. There is nothing this side of heaven quite like the love a mom has for her kids. Like you said it is exhausting at times but absolutely rewarding. I know I say all the time that Caleb reminds me of Killian so I finally pulled out some old photos the other day to prove it. I realized that what makes me think he is so much like Killian is that big smile. Its like they are joy incarnate. Seeing Caleb has reminded of that lil boy that could just light up the room with his smile. Which is very important when there talking back to you for the 20th time in one day. Children truly are a blessing from God that should make us pour out thanks everyday & if I havent said it before, "these really are the best days of my life." lol Everyday I have with them truly are the very best days.