Christmas #1 (Grandmommy & Granddaddy's house) - December 23rd
Christmas #2 (Mommy & Daddy's house) - December 25th
Since this was Caleb's first Christmas, we decided to go easy on the gifts. Jason and I got each other one thing and we didn't even wrap it. We just stuffed it down in the stockings and called it done. Jason gave me two books and I gave him a new Tennessee Vols hat. Merry Christmas. For Caleb we got him five things, I believe. One from Mommy and Daddy and Santa brought four gifts. Our Christmas was very quick, but the part we enjoyed the most was relaxing together as a family for our first Christmas together. We had tons of food and fun waiting for us that day. Here's a few shots of Christmas Eve (we always give each other ornaments) and Christmas Day. Please remember make-up did not exist that day......
Christmas #3 (Nana and Papa's house) - January 1st
We drove to Nana and Papa's house on December 30th for New Years and we celebrated our Christmas with them on New Year's Day. We had a fun night on New Year's Eve playing games with family and friends, eating (of course), and playing with Caleb. Our friends Jay and Leigh from Knoxville also happened to be in Nashville, so we invited them to join us on New Year's Eve for all the fun at my parents' house. A great time was had by all!
Congratulations Aunt Jenny (Nini) and Uncle James!
We drove to Nana and Papa's house on December 30th for New Years and we celebrated our Christmas with them on New Year's Day. We had a fun night on New Year's Eve playing games with family and friends, eating (of course), and playing with Caleb. Our friends Jay and Leigh from Knoxville also happened to be in Nashville, so we invited them to join us on New Year's Eve for all the fun at my parents' house. A great time was had by all!
As many photos as I've uploaded for you, they just can't do our adventures justice. We had such a great time and I wish I could share more photos with you, but it takes forever! You can always find me on Facebook and look at all of the photos from our trips. Trust me when I say there are some funny ones. It's not everyday you can work Kenny Chesney, a shake weight, Jurassic Park, and creme fraiche into Christmas, but we did. Inside jokes are priceless. Thank you to everyone who made our first Christmas as parents so memorable. We love you all!